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작성일 : 13-06-10 01:06
묘청 위한 통역
 글쓴이 : 西岳
조회 : 734  

김희식-김상유. 자동이체는 2010.7.13지정-
2013.6.5해지됨.이제 출발인가 보다. 인터넷 뱅킹(internet banking) 으로 오늘 들어가 조회하여 보니 그새 길게 35개월간 매월 10만원씩 자동이체 하였고, (우리은행) 자동이체부분 해지 내용 확인하니 해지 끝이 나 있네. 3021 회갑여행의 꿈과 함께 커온 적립액이였는데.. 재미나고 즐거운 코타 키나발루 여행이 기대됩니다.
I logged in to my bank account on-line through internet with PC.
I found that the monthly automatic money transfer from Hiesik Kim' s bank account to Mr. Sangyu Kim's account had been set up on 13th July 2010
And it was stopped on the day of 2013 June 5.

During this long period of 35 months, the money transfer have been done every month. According to the my bank account information by checking online with pc, the automatic money transfer contract was stopped already. So we don't need to apply personally the stopping at Bank. The money saving process gave us great pleasure every month for our big dream for friendship travel for celebrating our 60th birthday.
Hey, it's the time for us to go out for our dreamed travel.
이해가 되나요?
혹씨 위 Konglish 땜에 더 어려워 졌나요?

