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작성일 : 14-06-29 10:29
RE : 1)피슁, 보이스피슁 2)파밍 3)스미슁
 글쓴이 : 海印
조회 : 386  

요즘은 페이스 북을 하면 외국 연넘들이 무조건 친구 하자고 해싸서 대충 친구 수락을 하면 요상한 낙시줄에 사람을 엮으로 하는 쓰레기 같은 종자들도 종종 있다.

메일로만 연락 및 거래하자고 하면서리, 메일을 주고 받아 봤는데, 하! 근데 이 썩을년이 뭐시라, 지는 유방암 수술로 곧 죽을지 모르는데, 수술에 들어가기 전에 자신의 유산을 내게 주고 싶다는 것이야. 왜냐하면 자신을 과부이고 16세된 아들은 죽고 없고, 꿈에 천사가 나타나서 내게 돈을 주라고 황당한 거짓말을 입에 침도 안바르고 해대면서 사용처 용도는 과부나 고아에게 사용하라면서 말이다. 나참. 그리고 말레이시아 보이스피싱을 하는 은행 유언집행자에게 연락을 하라고 낚시를 거는 등 말이야. 단호하게 영어 문장으로 그따위로 세상 살지 말라고 경고하고(영어전문가에게 부탁해서리) 끝냈다.

남에게 속지 않는 방법은 간단하다. 즉, 이 세상에 공짜란 없다 라는 명언을 100% 생활화하면 된다.

심심해서 시원찮은 낚시 원문 그대로 실으니 재미로 보든지 말든지 알아서 해라.

海印. 이하 이멜 원문 기록한다.

Dear Friend,

Thanks for your reply which has been received and noted. I am truly humbled by this opportunity. I am praying for guidance and sensitivity from the Lord. I really don’t know where to start but I think telling you more about me seems the best. I was born February 19th 1947 ( Rotorua New Zealand ) and got married to Mr.Herbert Marga here in New Zealand. I am the only child of my parents. I want you to take this project very serious and let it be confidential between us. I am presently in my late husband home town and will be going to the hospital from time to time for my treatment.

I offered much prayers before seeking for your assistance to champion this project. It is true that we do not know each other from any where at all, but my spirit has chosen you and I do not know why . I pray that you will be a good person for this humanitarian project. I would like to visit you there in your country, so that both of us will know each other very well and discuss face to face but my poor health will not allow me. my health situation is currently bad, If not I would have try my best to make a trip to meet you and discuss with you. It will really be my pleasure to meeting you in a round table discussion there in your country Importantly but that will not be until after my surgical treatment coming up soon I will continue to pray for you, so that the Lord in his infinite love and mercy will continue to take care of you in fulfilling my wish. In Luke 24: Jesus revealed his Mission on earth to bring the good news to the poor, to set the captives free, to give sight to the blind and to free people from oppression. In other words, to bring glad tidings to the poor. This was the mission of the Lord when He came to this earth. This is also my mission to continue the work of the Lord in bringing glad news to the poorest of the poor.

Let me tell you the main reason why I contacted you to distribute these funds, I was in a dream where I saw a guardian angel and the angel said to me, behold and pay attention to my word, he asked me can you give your most valuable treasure to unknown person from another religion ? I replied NOT AT ALL.? After a while the guardian angel appeared again and gave me a revelation. The angel said that God gave him a massage for me that I should do a generous sacrifice to the Lord by donating money to some less privilege people before going for my surgery, and that is why I decided to make this donation.

My spirit directed me to contact you, but if you feel that you are not the right person to fulfill my wish, I will continue to search elsewhere, I do not know you and you do not know me, but I believe that God Purposely bring both of us to serve Him through those that are in need. The word of God must be fulfilled, as long as this massage came from Him. I am not afraid as long as God is watching our innermost thoughts because he directed me to make this donation to someone unknown, as it was revealed to me through dream. Please, protect the interest of the less fortunate and love them as you love yourself. I want you to establish some profitable project to crate jobs to the less fortunate, so that this project will give an opportunity to be paying them money to earn their living. For example establish a company to do any hand made and sale those product which made from widows and widowers so you have money to pay them plus has many product to sale for tourist.

Give the less fortunate children the opportunity to achieve educational field, possibly build a school and give free education to the less privilege ones. Help the widows and widowers including those that are in the hospital that could not afford money for their treatment. I believe I have enlightened you on some of the necessary things that are required of you, so you should also apply your own idea towards the successful accomplishment of this charity project. I had a male child for my late husband, but unfortunately he died at the age of 16 as a result of illness. My husband relatives continually persuading my husband to remarry a second wife, but my husband refused because he knew quit well that we love each other very well. After a while my husband died out of heartbreak.

I do not have any child to inherit my wealth that is why I decided to donate it all for humanitarian projects if only you can be honest to me. My spirit has chosen you to fulfill my wish, and I hope that you will not disappoint me now or in future. You can invest the funds in business and profits made from the investment will be use strictly on humanitarian projects this is my desire and wish. I am also offering you 20% of the $3.5 million for your personal use, so that you will use the rest for serving the Lord through the less fortunate.

We will discuss other details as is the project fund is transferred into your custody,, as I intend to make you the manager to the humanitarian project. But I would want you to promise me one thing, which is to handle our dealings with truth and honesty. I would want you to tell me more about yourself and your work, so as to know you better to enable mutual trust rule between us. I will try to send you my photo the moment I hear from you, so that you will identify me, I also look forward to receive your own photo, so that we will be able to identify ourselves before we proceed further ,After I received your next reply I will link you up with my bank Representative in Malaysia where the fund is presently deposited for onward transfer for the above project, so that their will commence the transfer process to your bank account for the above project
Please, I want you to Promise me once again that you are going to fulfill my wishes.

With love and peace,
Mrs, Marga Chrissie

이하 뉴질랜드에 거주하는 사악한 모습의 사진을 올리니 참고하여 혹시 낚시질을 하더라도 3021은 속지 말지어다. (혹시 사진의 모습이 기가 막힌 미인이었다면, 몰라 내일 산수갑산 가더라도 혹시 홀리는 척이라도 했을찌 말이다. )ㅎㅎ

묘청 14-06-29 19:53
해인이 영어 실력이 대단하네.
별 것이 우리 도사를 괴롭히네.
그런데 과연 저런 알사탕에 속는 바보가 있을까............
海印 14-06-30 06:27
답변 삭제  
영어 별 것 없다.

일단 읽어서 대충 줄거리를 감잡고 나서, 그 다음 구글 번역기에 넣으면 정확한 내용의 뜻을 거의 읽어낼 수 있다. 알겠는가? ㅎㅎㅎ

그래도 저 따위로 공갈치면, 이것이 무슨 천재일우의 기회인가 하고 뜨거운 불인지 모르고 덥석무는 종자가 있으니까 저렇게 택도 아닌 낚시질(?)을 국제적으로 해대는 것이다. 관상이 전형적인 도살자의 관상이요. 심상은 삵쾡이의 눈을 가지고 소위 도사에게 수작걸면 아마도 병신년 경자월에 비참하게 죽을 것이다. 썩은년의 사주를 보고  하는 말이다. (요즘은 탄생시간을 국제시간도 아는 시스템이 있다)

오늘이 이제 약33년간의 공직생활이 드디어 끝나는 날이다.

먼저 천지신명과 부처님과 조상님과 국가와 가족에게 고맙고 시원(?)하다. ㅎㅎㅎ

